Self-Assessment Tool

To access the tools, please click the links below.

Part I: EDGE College-Level Data Template, to be informed by EDGE Department-Level Data Template

Part II: EDGE_College Self-Assessment_Questionnaire


This two-part assessment tool is based upon the APLU INCLUDES Pilot Faculty Diversity Model and Self-Assessment Tool (2017, APLU), with some key modificationsModifications to the original APLU self-assessment tool included narrowing the domain specific to:

  1. engineering,
  2. the college-level (with a supporting department-level document included),
  3. gender equity; and
  4. inclusion of questions from the ADVANCE Gender Equity Index (2018, Bilimoria & Jane’).

To learn more about the development of the College Self-Assessment Tool, please see information on the three phase process for the development of the ASEE National Gender Equity Indicators database

Why an EDGE Self-Assessment Tool?

Formal self-assessment provides an evidence-based foundation for change, helps ensure resources are used efficiently, and provides college benchmarks for change efforts.   Also, with the help of contributing engineering deans,  a subset of the EDGE College Self-Assessment information shared by deans will form the foundation of the ASEE National Gender Equity Indicators database  based on the Data Template portion of the 2-part EDGE College Self-Assessment Tool.


What is involved in the EDGE Self-Assessment Process?

To make evidence-based change, a decision maker needs to have not only quantitative data, but qualitative information to contextualize and interpret the quantitative information collected.  The EDGE College Self-Assessment Tool is a two-part process that requires collection of:

Part I: Data (i.e., EDGE College Data Template), and

Part II: Contextual information (i.e., EDGE College Questionnaire)


Part 1:  EDGE College Data Template

Completion of the template requires a synthesis of departmental data for a college level composite.  Deans will need to collect data from department chairs/heads, and synthesize the information.  To help complete the college-level data template, a department-level data template is provided here.  The department-level template requests information on diversity, hiring, departures, and promotion.  Department chairs/heads may need to solicit support from others to collect some data requested.  Space is provided to provide up to five years of data such that trends can be tracked over time.  The College Level Data Template, found here, integrates all department information to provide an overall perspective on gender diversity, hiring, departures, and promotion.

Please put raw numbers in cells.  It is strongly recommended to include up to 5 years of data to be able to track trends and change, however starting with the current academic year data may be most realistic.  The template is modifiable as needed.  Although most of the data requested likely exists, it may not be in a single location or easily accessed.  It may be helpful to engage the support of the Office of Institutional Research for two reasons: 1) they are the experts in data collection and management on your campus, and 2) they are best positioned to offer guidance and assess capacity to start collecting and integrating these data points into your regular collection system.

While this self-study calls for a one-time data request, continuing collection and disaggregation of data could be very important for assessing how well college goals are met over time and, if goals are not met, multi-year benchmarks can highlight issues that require more attention.


Part 2: EDGE College Questionnaire

Data, although necessary, is not sufficient as the foundation for a gender diversity, equity, and inclusion self-study.  Understanding the context surrounding the data is key.  The EDGE College Questionnaire helps provide context for the raw numbers from the data template.  The Questionnaire is to be completed by a group of individuals (e.g., the self-study team ) identified by the Engineering Dean.  These individuals comprising the self-study team must be familiar with the college context and specific practices regarding college context, recruitment, new hires, retention, and resources.  There are six sections to the Questionnaire:

1) College Context

2) Recruitment

3) New Hires

4) Retention

5) Resources

6) Reflection


For the first five sections, the standard format response for each statement/question is: Yes, No or N/A (Not Applicable).  If “Yes,” the self-study team can add information to the “Evaluation Data on Effectiveness of Practice” column. This is an opportunity to provide information on steps taken to assess the effectiveness of implemented programs, policies, and/or activities, as well as share any relevant evaluation data that might be available.  Links to evaluation reports are also recommended.  The “Comments,” column is where relevant information can be added, including links to programs or policy websites and information.   Please use this section liberally. The more information the more informed final understanding will be re: the college context for faculty gender equity.

The final section, “Reflection,” provides open-ended reflection questions to help self-study teams and deans articulate their thoughts on what was learned through the Self-Assessment Questionnaire responses, and potential next steps.