Webinar Series

Most colleges and universities embrace the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, but many fall short, especially in the hiring, retention, and advancement of faculty who would more fully represent our diverse world—in particular women of color and white women, and women and men from US historically disadvantaged populations.


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University Leaders on Advancing Gender Equity

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Webinar Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Time: 4:00 pm EDT

Moderated by: Ilene Busch-Vishniac, Ph.D., President Emeritus, The University of Saskatchewan

Scott Bass, Ph.D., Provost Emeritus, American University
Orlando Tayler, Ph.D., Vice President, Fielding Graduate University
Cheryl B. Schrader, Ph.D., President Emeritus, Wright State University

The ASEE’s Engineering Deans’ Gender Equity (EDGE) Initiative is focused on providing engineering deans with resources to reduce barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of diverse women engineering faculty and leaders. The illustrious group of leaders for this webinar, serve as external advisors to the EDGE Initiative.

In this webinar the moderator and panelists will share candid comments about the process of academic culture change to advance gender diversity, equity, and inclusion.  They will discuss strategies for supporting and assisting deans, department chairs, and senior faculty in effecting transformative change; share their experience in engaging campus leaders, and discuss successes and challenges faced when leading gender diversity, equity, and inclusion change efforts.

Handout- University Leaders Panel


Mitigating the Gendered Impact of COVID-19 on Tenure-Line Faculty Panel

(click above to watch the recording)

Original Air Date: Thursday May 13, 2021

Moderated by: Dean Jenna Carpenter, Ph.D., Campbell University

Dean Harriet Nembhard, Ph.D., University of Iowa
Dean Ayanna Howard, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Executive Associate Dean Arvind Raman, Ph.D., Purdue University

Results from a series of 2020 deans’ focus groups, sponsored by the ASEE Engineering Deans’ Gender Equity (EDGE) Initiative, revealed that COVID-19 has kindled broad interest and concern among deans about understanding and remediating the gendered impact of COVID-19, especially on tenure-line faculty.

In this webinar, moderator and panelists will briefly overview COVID-19 impacts, discuss strategies for how deans are measuring impacts, present “silver linings” identified in this past year; and share promising solutions and future considerations.  Resources to help deans identify strategies that support advancing gender diversity, equity, and inclusion will be compiled and provided post-webinar.

Resources Handout-Mitigating the Gendered Impact of COVID 19 on Tenure



Using Dashboards to Foster Equitable Faculty Workloads

(Click title or image to view recording)

Original Air Date: Wednesday April 14, 2021

Presented by:

Virginia Valian, Ph.D.
Joya Misra, Ph.D.
KerryAnn O’Meara, Ph.D.

Results from a 2019 ASEE Engineering Deans Gender Equity (EDGE) Initiative survey completed by 90 Engineering deans indicated deans intend to assign faculty responsibilities equitably, but may not be aware of and/or use evidence-based methods needed to ensure fair and equitable distribution of responsibilities, especially when it comes to teaching and service.

Downloads: Webinar Flyer

Pre-Webinar Resources: Faculty Workload and Reward Project


Deans Panel Discussion on the COVID-19 Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

(Click title or image to view recording)

Original Air Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Moderated by: Dean Yannis Yortsos, Ph.D., USC

Dean Sharon Walker, Ph.D., Drexel University
Dean Scott Ashford, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Dean Rudolph Buchheit, Ph.D., University of Kentucky



The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has disrupted engineering education at a fundamental level. This session will explore challenges as well as opportunities associated with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at the faculty level, and how engineering schools address them. Examples include: (1) working from home while also caring for dependents (children, elderly); (2) opportunities for mentoring and growth; (3) on-line vs. in-person engagement; (4) research productivity and growth. We will also address DEI issues in a post-Coronavirus future.

Note:  This is the second EDGE Deans panel in the series.  The previous one featured several women deans, including women of color. This panel emphasizes the role of allies.

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Webinar-Deans Panel-TimeMarkers

Disrupting Process to Dismantle Culture

(Click title or image to view recording)

Original Air Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020

Presented by: Dean Scott Ashford, Ph.D., P.E. (CA), Oregon State University



Dean Scott Ashford, Ph.D., PE (CA), Kearney Dean of Engineering at Oregon State University, will discuss how the College of Engineering disrupted hiring practices, and other traditional processes, to shift the culture and create a more diverse and inclusive community.

In his five-year tenure as dean, Dr. Ashford has doubled the number of female faculty. Oregon State University now ranks #3 among all public R1 research universities for the percentage of engineering faculty who are women. In recognition of his efforts in supporting women in engineering, Dean Ashford was awarded the 2019 Society of Women Engineers Rodney D. Chipp Memorial Award.  Further, the OSU College of Engineering was also an “exemplar” recipient of a Bronze Award in the inaugural year of the American Society of Engineering Education’s Diversity Recognition Program, with special note of relevance to the EDGE Initiative This is the highest recognition awarded, given to schools demonstrating significant results advancing diversity and inclusion efforts.

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Webinar Slides


A Dean’s Role through the Lens of Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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Original air date: Wednesday January 29, 2020

Presented by: Dean Ala Qubbaj, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV)



Dr. Qubbaj will discuss active and proactive approaches and strategies for enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how to create a college culture that not only supports but embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. He will discuss his efforts as Dean and how that led to the doubling of the number of women faculty in the college, as well as hiring the 1stwomen department chair and the 1st women associate Chair, all in less than 2 years.

Dr. Ala Qubbaj is the Dean for the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). He is the PI on UTRGV’s NSF ADVANCE grant as well as on an NSF INCLUDES grant for ADVANCING STEM Latinas in Academic Careers. Prior to his Dean position, Dr. Qubbaj served as Senior Associate Vice President/Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & Diversity.

Downloads: Webinar Flyer

Webinar Slides

Additional Resources


Engineering Deans College Gender Equity Self- Assessment Tool: Foundation for Strategic Change

(Click title or image to view recording)

Original air date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Presented by: APLU colleagues, Kimberly Griffin Ph.D and Alan Mabe, PhD




Drs Kimberly Griffin, Alan Mabe, and the Association for Public Land grant Universities (APLU) INCLUDES Project’s Faculty Diversity Task Force created the state-of-the-art, 2-part self-assessment Faculty Diversity Tool, that was adapted specifically for deans of colleges of engineering to help guide and focus efforts to support gender diversity, equity, and inclusion. Informed by APLU pilot work, and current change efforts with INCLUDES Aspire Alliance Institutional Change teams, Drs Griffin and Mabe will provide deans with take-away strategies for collecting and leveraging college self-assessment data for efficient, and beneficial gender equity change.

Dr. Kimberly Griffin is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland. Her work focuses on diversity within the Black community; mentoring and professional development; and diversity in graduate and faculty communities. Dr. Alan Mabe is Emeritus Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer (from which he retired December 2018); prior to which he served as a faculty member and administrator at Florida State University for almost thirty years. Griffin and Mabe both currently serves as consultants to the NSF INCLUDES-funded Aspire Alliance https://www.aspirealliance.org/aspire-home –an initiative that “seeks to develop inclusive and diverse STEM faculty across the nation by aligning and reinforcing professional development, hiring, and retention practices of STEM faculty simultaneously at institutional, regional, and national levels.”

Part 2 recording with Dr. Mabe

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Webinar Time-Markers


Achieving College Excellence through Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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Presented by Virginia Valian, PhD

Original Air Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019


Back by popular demand, Professor Valian, internationally recognized expert on issues of gender equity, distinguished professor of Psychology at Hunter College, and recent Keynote at the post-EDI 2019 EDGE Action Steps Workshop, will provide an interactive webinar to share with deans an overview of gender equity research, along with concrete, evidence-based actions deans can take to create more diverse, equitable, and welcoming college climates. She draws from her extensive research experience, as well as her recent book with Professor Abigail Stewart, An Inclusive Academy: Achieving Diversity and Excellence (MIT Press).

Downloads: Webinar References

Webinar Recommendations

Webinar Slides

Webinar Time Markers


The webinar recordings below require ASEE account sign-in.
Cost : All ASEE Members – Free, Non-members – $50

Building your Female Leadership Pool: Insights for Success from the University of Michigan

Presented by: Dean Alec Gallimore and Dr. Jennifer Linderman, University of Michigan

Original Air Date: September 11, 2019
From 2008 to 2017, women comprised less than 20% of faculty at the top U.S. engineering schools. In the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering, women now occupy half of the top faculty-leadership roles, including department chairs, associate deans, and executive committee members.

In this webinar, inspired by the May 2019 Chronicle of Education article “An Engineering School with Half of Its Leadership Female? How Did That Happen?” University of Michigan’s Alec Gallimore (Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering) and Jennifer Linderman (Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the ADVANCE Program) will explore four key approaches used at Michigan Engineering to build the female leadership pool and offer practical insights for other leaders who seek similar success.


Men Allies for Gender Equity 

This interactive webinar encourages and equips men to serve as effective allies for gender equity in STEM settings. Facilitators Roger Green (North Dakota State University) and Robert Gordon (Auburn University) introduce the concept of Advocates and Allies and discuss factors that impact the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women. They review recent literature that helps explain why and how gender inequity occurs. Lastly, they introduce and develop concepts, vocabulary, actions, and practical skills to promote gender equity. This webinar is part of a larger series inspired by the TUEE Phase III project and report.